The Greatest Scrambled Eggs Recipe Ever Here's my recipe for the greatest scrambled eggs ever. Believe me, nobody knows eggs better than me. These eggs will be so perfect, you'll start to wonder how you ever ate scrambled eggs before.
Start by cracking some eggs into a bowl. How many? As many as you want! I like to use at least 3 eggs per serving. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the eggs. Nothing too fancy, just some basic seasonings. Whisk the eggs together until everything is mixed up and frothy. You want to get a good amount of air into the mixture so the eggs come out nice and fluffy. Heat up a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Once it's hot, pour in the egg mixture. Using a spatula, gently move the eggs around the skillet. You don't want them to stick, but you also don't want them to cook too quickly. Keep moving them around until they start to set. When the eggs are almost cooked through, add a pat of butter to the skillet. This will give the eggs a rich, delicious flavor. Keep moving the eggs around until they're fully cooked. You want them to be light and fluffy, with no liquid left in the skillet. Serve the eggs hot, garnished with a sprinkle of chopped parsley or chives, if you're feeling fancy. Enjoy your breakfast, folks! It's gonna be a great day, just like these eggs!
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